Many people believe that you only need a massage if you are recovering from a sports injury or if you are going for a weekend trip to a spa. The reality however is that all of us could benefit greatly from having a weekly trip to the massage therapist. For me this started a couple of years ago when I watched an interview with massage therapist Caroline Sturken. She was talking about the benefits which you could get from a weekly massage, and so I though I’d give it a go. What I discovered, was that she was absolutely right, and here are the benefits which I have counted on since.

Reduced Stress Levels and Anxiety

Prior to getting that first massage I was focussed on the benefits which it could have on my body more than anything else. What I have since come to learn however is that this can also greatly help your mental health. I have noticed a great drop in stress levels at work, as well as a mild reduction in some of the anxiety which I have felt in the past. This was unexpected for me, but this is something which most massage therapists will talk about.

Less Aches

When I started to get a weekly massage I was 41 years old, and to tell the truth I certainly felt as though I had a few aches and pains which were just down to my age. The reality however was very different and after just 3 or 4 weeks of having a massage, I noticed that these aches, particularly in my back, had disappeared entirely. If you get a weekly massage then this is certainly something which you are going to benefit from with regards to those little niggles in your muscles and joints.

Better Ability to Exercise

Something else which I found to be incredibly helpful was that I could do much better levels of exercise. In part this was because I felt much more supple than before, but also I felt that I had a lot more energy too. I had a spell where I took 3 weeks out of the massages but I continued to exercise, and I noticed a visible drop in my ability to stretch, and also in my levels of condition.


And of course one of the reasons why so many of us have massages in the first place is so that we can relax, and this too is something which you can count on from regular massages. What many fail to realize however is that one massage every 6 months will do nothing in terms of your ability to relax. What you do need is a weekly massage to ensure that you are well relaxed and that you stay that way.

I have to be honest, this is very much one of the highlights of my week and I am sure that it will be for all of you too.