For any business that operates online, SEO is one of the most effective marketing techniques which can be used. Within the world of SEO there are different strategies and different approaches, and today we are going to look a little deeper into what is called Enterprise SEO, and which tools can be used in order to get the most from this form of marketing. The world of digital marketing can be tricky to get your head around, so read on in order to gain a better understanding of enterprise SEO, and which enterprise SEO tool you can use so that you can take your business to the next level.

What is Enterprise SEO?

WE know that search engine optimization is about ensuring that your website and its content scores well in terms of the search rankings, but what exactly does enterprise SEO mean? In short, this is an SEO strategy which uses highly detailed, granular data, to give the most accurate picture of how to score well and have a site which is heavily indexed, and one which makes it to the top of the rankings.  This SEO strategy works with high level companies, who are generally ranked on the Fortune 1000 or Global 2000.

Trademarks of Enterprise SEO

These are the general hallmarks which you will find as part of an enterprise SEO strategy.

Keyword Selection – Keywords are at the beginning of every SEO strategy, searching for long and medium-tail keywords, which not only perform well, but also that can make good ideas for categories and sub-categories.

Rules – When working on the SEO strategy, a set of rules must be established which are flexible, and that allow pages to be created within the rules, that are packed with content, rather than having to set individual pages for each product or content type.

Optimized Templates – These pages of code containing the HTML, CSS or Javascript, are the foundation for each page type that your website has. Each page will have its own tiny details which is what the CMS requires in order to grab the right type of content for your page. Templates must be smart and automatically adjust themselves when database fields are empty. This is even more true when it comes to enterprise SEO, as they are driving factors behind the overall design and responsiveness of the website.


Because of the popularity of enterprise SEO, there have been a number of excellent tools created which allow software to deliver a huge amount of the SEO work that is required. When you decide to perform sEO on your enterprise business website, you can use tools such as customizable SEO dashboards, link building tools and management, software which will measure and report your overall internet visibility, as well as tools which will highlight any broken links on your site. There are enough high level tools to ensure that you can easily manage your company’s SEO, and you can customize each aspect of it for better overall control.