This of course is not an article on how to travel, but rather how to ensure that you make the effort to train, and physically make it to the gym in order to do so. Far too many times, full of the best intentions and the desire to make a change, we commit to a gym, attend the induction, and then return less than 10 times. Having committed to a yearly membership, we end up with a monthly direct debit, and a strong feeling of guilt – which if you think about it, we are actually paying for!

Looking at the use of cheap gym memberships, daily gym passes and a number of tried and tested tricks or cheats, we can establish a new set of habits, to the point that eventually, you will see going to the gym as the norm, rather than the exception. Nothing worth doing is ever easy, but you have made a commitment to change, and these are just a few ways in which you can give it the best chance of actually occurring.


Invisible barriers are already in place, you just do not know it. These act as reasons for not attending the gym, or for skipping a session. These need to be removed, and once overcome, you will be able to ensure that you get to the gym.

Think of the early morning start, the duvet suddenly feels as if it is made of concrete and you are actually pinned to the bed. The last thing you want is to have to get up for the gym. If however your kit is ready by the bed, rather than in a cupboard which you have convinced yourself can never be opened, then you can simply wrap up quickly and get on your way. If you have prepared your lunch or pre-gym workout snack the night before, then those extra minutes can be saved in the morning and you won’t see it as a chore. If you train later in the day, take your kit to work, change at going home time, and have your lunch and snack prepared as before. If you are in your gym kit, you will likely end up at the gym. If not, you’ll probably go home.


We can all convince ourselves not to do something, but if someone else is relying on you, it is much harder to miss a session. Get a good partner with similar aims and goals, and work together. Teams beat individuals in terms of attendance every time. If you’re accountable, you will go.

The Gym

If you are not sure which gym is right for you, find one that you like, then try another. The more a gym offers, the more it will charge, so think do I need a pool or sauna? The best way to try gyms is with a gym day pass or flexible gym membership – a try before you buy. This way you will not commit to the wrong gym. If you don’t like your gym, then change, or else you will stop going. Find the right gym for you, then always keep your eye out for others.


There are Apps to track weight loss, fitness etc. Actually documenting your progress will spur you on as individuals tend to underestimate their achievements through modesty. Take selfies of your body at the start and throughout, as the camera never lies! Think of your goals, be they dress size, weight or muscle definition, and remind yourself of your progress, and the point from which you started. Seeing it really is believing it. Be warned though, things take time so…

Don’t Aim To High

You wouldn’t want to run a marathon having started training a week ago. Keep your goals reasonable and attainable, and keep them flexible and adjustable. Once attained, change them to keep you motivated. Little steps can cover great distances in time.


Not a MacDonald’s after the first session, but real reward, perhaps new gym gear, one size smaller. These tangible rewards will reinforce your good habits and before long you’ll see the habit as a reward in itself.

We all suffer at times with an antipathy about the gym. But good habits are as hard to break as bad ones. It is that first step to creating these good habits and replacing the bad that is the hardest. Hopefully these tips will help, and after a short period, you yourself will be passing them on to others who want to follow you in your journey.