It is exhausting to live with addiction, and everyone deals with it differently. Some people know exactly when to seek help; others prefer to stay in the oblivion that they’ve it under control. The truth is, they’re just reluctant to accept that their substance intake has gotten out of hand. Such a situation could put a lot of pressure on their loved ones, as it could get them to seek help about it. It makes the process of recovery difficult for them and their family or friends. Helping others get over their denial and fear of rehabilitation is not an easy forte. It requires a lot of patience and care. And, there is always a risk of relapse, so one needs to keep a check on their recovering friend. 

If you want to convince an individual with an addiction, you must ensure that you wish their wellness. Safety is the main priority here. Any sign of manipulative behavior might cut ties with you because addiction has already made them vulnerable like that. Hence, the most crucial factor is understanding and being empathetic about it. There are different tactics and ideas which you could use to persuade someone to seek addiction treatment, but here are some of the best ways to do so: 


1. Learn for Yourself


It is for sure that you can only help others when you, yourself, bear enough knowledge regarding the subject. Being close to an addicted person can give off an illusion that you know what you need to know, but that’s not true. There is more science and logic behind drug addiction or alcoholism than just escapism or ecstasy. It would be best to prepare yourself for the conversation and start looking up the signs of drug abuse, as they can help you build up your point for rehab. Next, read available literature and research material regarding the hazards of drug abuse and its ailments. In that way, you can be better at answering the question of your loved one. 

It is also helpful to do your homework and list out the best rehab centers around you, and you can talk to professionals and get help from them. So you can lessen the fear of your close ones and let them know about all the options available to them. Lastly, it is essential to learn that they will expect you to remain calm and content, even if they have a meltdown because it is a sentimental topic. And it would help if you mitigated their aggression by being considerate and humble, accepting that you don’t know what they’re going through. It would open up doors to honest conversations and lead to better results. 


2. Plan An Intervention


An intervention is a great way to persuade someone that they need help. It is a pre-planned meeting where all the loved ones of an addicted individual gather to talk to them about their substance use. These meetings could include a clergy member, a treatment specialist, or a professional interventionist. They all try to convince the individual to get their treatment. It is conducive to allowing the said person to understand how their problem affects not only them but also those around them and how it becomes visible or realistic. However, there are a few very essential factors to keep in mind when planning an intervention. 

First, organize it to have enough time to persuade your loved one that you want their strong presence at the meeting so that it does not seem hurried. It will give you and all your friends to prepare themselves for what to say. It is not necessary to prepare a speech. Still, it is essential to know beforehand where you want to go to be précised and unambiguous. Next, you need to prepare a spot where the intervention shall take place, and it should be easily reachable. You don’t want to agitate your friend even before they reach there. When you get to the spot, it would be better to pack a bag ahead of time. If you convince your loved one, then you might want to lead them straight to the care, or else there’s a chance they might change their mind. 


3. Set Boundaries


After you’ve addressed the elephant in the room and made your case for why your loved one has a drug abuse issue and should get treatment, it’s time to set limits. You must, essentially, let them know your limits and about the consequences of their addictive behavior in the future. If, for instance, it is your spouse who is going through the problem and refuses to seek treatment, then you must tell them that you will not allow them to see your kids in such a state. As a parent of a child with an addiction, you can say that if they don’t seek help, they might not get to be with their siblings. If you’re a school authority, you can tell them that as a consequence of not seeking help, you can remove them from their sports team or school society. 

Understand that these boundaries may seem cruel to them and bring on their defensive mode. Still, if they’re sincere about any of these things, it could be the most significant contributing factor. It could bring conviction in them to set out of their comfort zone and carry themselves through it. It would help if you were staunch and sturdy when sitting down these boundaries because it could be of no help to be emotionally driven in such a situation. 


Finally, remember to be sympathetic about it and show them that you’re both working as a team, so they know they’re not alone in this. Ask open-ended questions so that you can be open to your loved one’s perspective and keep the conversation non-accusing. Don’t criticize them, rather their choices, and demonstrate that their health and wellbeing are your concern.