The kratom market is a very popular market these days when it comes to finding a replacement for opioids, and it’s even unregulated in most of the United States, which actually holds no exact bans on it as a federal entity, even though some local areas and states do have a ban on its use and purchase. If you’re in one of the many states however that is looking to find the best kratom capsules or pills online, you want to make sure that you’re buying them from not only a reputable dealer online, but one that’s going to keep you safe at all costs as well. We’ll explain more in this guide.

Common Cutters

There are some markets online and web stores that offer kratom that don’t actually just give you pure kratom. The downside is that just like many other drugs these days, they may actually end up cutting your product with the natural opioid known as fentanyl, which can actually cause many health problems, and even fatal ones if you’re not careful. 

Many markets also don’t have any proof that their product is pure with lab tests either, which means you could be ingesting more than just other harmful drugs into your body. Some companies have even been known to fuse caffeine with kratom, although you can take the two together (there are many people who still drink sodas, etc. while kratom is in their system), it should never be mixed together in a drug in high concentrations.

Other Harmful Chemicals

While many countries actually don’t allow the actual “farming” of kratom, there’s nothing they can really do about kratom that’s growing in the wild. With that being said, it’s not illegal for marketers to just “harvest” the kratom, but you don’t always know what kinds of chemicals may be on the kratom. For example, there are many kratom trees around farms in the area, and therefore, pesticides may be used on the nearby crops, causing overspray to actually come in contact with the leaves of kratom. Once most pesticides are absorbed by a plant, they aren’t safe. Without a reputable online dealer providing proof of this, you have no way of knowing whether they’re safe or not.

Cutting with Herbs

There are some companies out there that offer things like “great tasting kratom”. If you ever see one of these kratom stores, stay away. This means they use other additives and you never know what you’re going to get that’s flavoring your kratom. Not only that, but it will lower the potency of the kratom itself.


The only true way to make sure you’re getting your kratom from a reputable dealer is to look on their website and verify that their lab of choice that does its testing (if they don’t have lab testing, then you want to look for another source anyway) is a well-known and trustworthy one. This can be seen at this strains overview. They can claim anything all they want, but only the most reputable dealers will use a lab that’s well known.